Q. McCohn's Training Philosophy

What's up guys? I want to share with you a little bit about my philosophy of training, why I do what I do. All right, so let's get into it. First thing guys, a little bit about me. I'm a bit of a rule breaker. I've bent rules, and I will test the rules. I challenge them and I've done it all my life.

I've never really been a fan of law enforcement. While I was in the Army they had these rules where you couldn't have a tattoo from the elbow down to the wrist. You couldn't have tattoos from the knee down to the ankle, any place that would be visible in your physical training uniform. I got a tattoo on my left forearm. It was almost like a middle finger thing because you're not going to control me. You're not going to control me with your rules.

I was an employee at the OSU Medical Center, which may or may not be considered corporate America, but I was passed on promotion several times because I didn’t play by their rules. I told you guys about when I started training at Urban Active Polaris, I was the only trainer that was basically a true hybrid. I did sales and I was like a full time trainer and nobody else was doing that. It technically was not allowed in the business, but I did it because I’m different. I challenge rules. That's just a little bit about my personality, which really fits in good with fitness and exercise and health. Because in those arenas, rules are meant to be challenged. They're meant to be questioned. They're meant to be changed. They're meant to be questioned again and just flat out sometimes they're meant to be broken.

So I believe as far as training is concerned, there is no right way or wrong way to do something. What works for one person may not work for the other. So there is no right or wrong way and you have to be open and be, adaptive to different techniques and different methods. Now, this was not always my style. When I first started training, all I wanted to do was to keep people moving and to keep people's heart rate up. Even to this day, one of my favorite workouts to give people is five different movements, pushups, sit ups, lunges, crunches and squats, let's say our pull-ups. And then you add in a two minute run or a quarter mile run. And it just keeps people moving. You repeat that three or four times and they feel good. They have a great workout.

So that was my very first philosophy. And then as I started learning more, I got into the three energy systems of the body; phosphagen, glycolysis, and oxidative. I'm not going to bore you with all the techno babble that comes with these. I just use these things to manipulate the body, to manipulate people's fitness to get the best results that I can for them. And what happened was I got really good results. So then I got stuck in my ways. So when new concepts came, or new trainers came in my vicinity and they had a different way of doing things. I really didn't like it because I knew what I did worked and I thought that everybody else should do it the same way I was doing them.

So there was big time cognitive dissonance there. It’s like I felt people were threatening my way of being with their new training methods. Now things have totally changed for me. The more that I studied, the more I educate myself, the more I realize there's no right or wrong way to do something. Shakespeare has this saying, there's no right or wrong, only thinking that makes it so. So now my philosophy is very simple. I talk about a marathon runner and a sprinter. The marathon runner runs 13 miles, they run 21 miles, and often times they don't have a lot of muscle mass. And many of them are still carrying body fat. They have the skinny, flabby fat, but your sprinter has thick legs, six pack abs, ripped upper body. Why is that?

The sprinter is not running as long as the marathon runner is. They're running a really short distance compared to what the marathon runner is running. The reason is the sprinter is doing more work per second. So every second of their training, they're putting in more effort, more energy than the marathon runner. So that is basically my philosophy. More work per second. You move from one exercise to the next, very short amount of rest. There's no reason to train for 90 minutes or two hours. You need 45 minutes to an hour and then you get out of there. So that means that when you're training, you're not scrolling through your phone, you're not looking at pictures on IG or trying to find the right song to get pumped up to. You're not even talking to other gym patrons. The breath that you use to talk to somebody, that's the same breath that you can use for your next set.

So I'm all about movement, getting done. One exercise to the next to the next, and oxygen burns fat. So if you need to take a break, then you get down into a position with your hands on your knees, take in deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth, five or six times, and you're ready to go to the next exercise. So that is my philosophy when it comes to training. Don't spend a lot of time talking, stay moving, keep people moving and go from one exercise to the next quickly. But this doesn't mean that you do exercises with poor form. You don't execute the exercise quickly, you do it correctly. But you go from one to the next very quickly. So, this is just my philosophy guys. This is not McCohn Muscle's philosophy as a whole. It’s not Matt's


and it’s not Mo’s.


What works well for them might not work well for people who prefer my style. And the same thing, what works well for me might not work well for people who prefer Matt’s style of training. So that's the beauty of what we have here at McCohn Muscle. We have different styles, different methods, different concepts, and what it does is it shocks the body. It's great. It works out great. So if you're interested in coming and finding out our style, our concepts, and the way that we train, because we are the premiere training facility with some of the best Personal Trainers in Columbus, Ohio and Worthington Ohio. Then I want you to contact us here on our website and we'll connect and get you in for a fitness assessment or we'll talk about exercise and nutrition, something to get you rolling. All right, so y'all have a great day and I'll see you in the gym soon.