When Working Out Goes WRONG!

It is possible for you to get sick from working out TOO MUCH!!!

Overtraining is the biggest trap of the fitness enthusiast!

Performing too many sets, too many exercise combinations; in short, too much work causes muscle tissue loss, hormone depletion, weakness, non vascular appearance, and inability to get "the pump."

Remember, the nervous system controls the muscles. So overstimulating your nervous system for long periods of time can lead to chronic stress. Your muscle building hormones get depleted, so your muscle metabolism and body's ability to use protein isn't as effective. Overstimulating your nervous system can also cause a release of cortisol that keeps you from building muscle. 

So the solution is to shorten your workouts and work faster. ​There is no need to train for more than an hour. Remember my training philosophy, train like a sprinter not a marathon runner. Sprinters have a stronger, muscle toned build and they train intensely for a short period of time.

Another thing your workout program may need is restoration and recovery. ​This is what boosts your nervous system and hormones. When you train you are breaking down tissues. You don't want to keep going rep after rep, set after set, exercise after exercise, giving 100% and full intensity. Eventually your body will not be able to sustain and start breaking down. Formula for success = blast the muscle, feed it, and rest it. When any of these are compromised then the formula only works with minimal success.

Some ways to recover and restore are breathing and lowering your heart rate. This will clear out metabolic waste. Massage, magnetic therapy, infrared therapy, electromuscle stimulation, ultrasound, acupressure, and acupuncture. These can help people maintain high levels of intensity and volume without overtraining. Most of these physical recovery methods increase blood flow and lymphatic performance, clearing metabolic toxins and delivering growth promoting nutrients to muscle cells. This also allows the nervous system to recover between workouts.

Magnetic therapy daily, massage every week or two; hydrotherapy every 3-4 days; sauna once a week; muscle stimulation, chiropractic or osteopathic adjustments can be used as needed. 

​Chronic overtraining is when the body is in a constant state of fatigue, forcing the immune system to be compromised. This is when viruses can enter the body and take over. Colds, flu, other illnesses. If the body is not allowed to recover properly, and a person continues to train the ailing body then that body will not recover. This will repress the immune system even further. The result is longer periods of illness (colds, flu) and the development of more serious problems (pneumonia).

Symptoms of overtraining: loss of strength, energy plummet, sex drive stops, appetite suppressed, depression, mood swings, chronic fatigue, lethargy, weight loss, digestive disorders, loose stools, chronic muscle and joint soreness, loss of hair, loss of muscle tissue, colds. 

Proper rest is essential to repair the body. Taking an additional day off to repair hard worked muscle will not lead to muscle loss, in fact, it will produce greater gains. You do not grow muscle while you workout. You are breaking muscle down. During rest is when you rebuild and grow muscle muscle tissue. Don't adopt the "more is better" mindset. 

Ways to avoid overtraining: train smarter not longer, get adequate rest, avoid performing too many reps and sets, avoid too many exercises, get the pump and get out, avoid too many abdominal exercises, keep protein high in the bloodstream, and avoid working out when you are sick. 

L-Glutamine is the single most important amino acid for creating muscle building state and preventing high cortisol levels during recovery. It also helps build DNA and RNA which can lead to significantly greater gains in lean muscle, strength, and power. 

Sleeping: in order to produce growth factors and to grow muscle, the body needs to drop in a deep sleep. Sleep is vital for the health of the body. You don't grow in the gym, you grow while you are sleeping. Your body needs 6-8 hours to keep your systems running optimally. When immune system is compromised it can result in fatigue, overtraining, weight loss, and illness. 

If it is time for you to start a fitness program that teaches you how to workout smart and encourages recovery, schedule your consultation today!

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