Show Up For Yourself!

It’s not always about the exercise, it’s about how exercising makes you feel.

When you exercise, you should feel a sense of accomplishment. When you complete a workout, it should be uplifting for you have accomplished a difficult task for the day.

Working out causes you to break a good sweat, and to let out frustration and stress. It gives your body and mind a healthy outlet.

When you exercise you should celebrate your ability to move. Side to side, up and down, back and forth. Some people do not have the freedom of movement because of high body fat and tight muscles. Be thankful that you can move your body and are not incapacitated.

A HUGE benefit to exercise is it’s effect on mental health. We are living in a time of record-breaking diagnoses of anxiety and depression. Exercise is the BEST and cheapest cognitive enhancer there is. One way it is good for the brain is the ability for exercise to cause an endorphin release. It may be hard to get started on a workout regimen, but once you get into the groove, you’re golden.

Some people skip their workouts because they feel they need to continually put in overtime in their careers and job responsibilities. Most of the time, these jobs make people feel overwhelmed. The best advice I can give is that when you feel overwhelmed, you have to stop and take some time out for you! Take an hour, get out of your chair, and move your body. Your work will be there when you get back.

Lack of sleep, stress, stress eating, not exercising = recipe for disaster. Regulate your eating with a meal plan. Turn off your TV, cell phone, computer at a certain time to increase likelihood of a good night’s sleep. Exercise, even if it is for as little as 10 minutes a day. Take care of your mind and body. You only get one.

When you are getting quality sleep, controlling your calories, and working out consistently, the results will usually come fast. Small changes in behavior lead to long term success.

It is possible to get toned, to get ripped, to drop 50lbs, to drop 100lbs. You can do it. You just need instruction and strategy. That’s where McCohn Muscle comes in.

The one thing you need in order to change is courage! You will have to overcome the fear of change.

Do you value yourself? Respect yourself? Push yourself? Trust yourself? See yourself being successful. See the big picture, not the struggle. Always looking at the struggle will keep you stuck.

Mindset, mindset, mindset! Show up for yourself. Don’t let doubt stop you.