Why "No Dairy" for our 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge?

I want to give you guys the reason why there’s no dairy for the 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge.

First of all, like alcohol, I do not think dairy is a bad thing. You guys should know that by now that before the turn of the 21st century physicians would use raw milk to treat people for all types of diseases and ailments. For those of you that take probiotics and branch chain amino acids or essential amino acids, you should know that you can get all those aminos and bacteria in raw milk. It tastes so good too. The milk where the cream rises to the top. So raw milk and raw dairy have been used for a long time to help cure people of ailments.

The problem with dairy products is when they started pasteurizing the milk. The pasteurization process happens when they heat the milk and spin it. I looked online and it said they heated the milk to 145 degrees for 30 minutes. Each manufacturer might do it differently so you should do some research and see what you find out. What happens in the pasteurization process is the bacteria in the milk is killed off but the enzymes in the milk are destroyed as well. This is why a lot of times you hear about dairy causing mucus in the body. They don’t talk about of the cows are shot up with hormones and given antibiotics and things like that. So I don't think milk is bad. I don't think dairy is bad, particularly raw milk and dairy. The problem is when the cow is being pumped full of hormones, antibiotics and toxins. This is going to get into your body, it's going to get into your bloodstream and clog you up.

This is why for the 28 days we're going to make it simple and avoid dairy products. This will allow you to clean out your system from any toxic dairy you may have been consuming. It may be a good idea to make a friend with a farmer, invest some money in a cow and getting some quality, creamy raw milk to boost your health.