Got Period, Get Iron

What's going on? I want to talk to all you ladies, when you have your period, it's the best time to lift weights. If you're a client of mine and you're on your period when you come in and train, you need to let me know so I can give you some weight training. Why? Because at this time you have more testosterone in your body. Your body is more like a man's, so you can really build some strength when you lift weights while you're on your period.


Also, when you're on your period you're losing a lot of blood. You need to replace your iron, ferrous sulfate, 324 milligrams. I don't know how you get iron. I know eggs, turkey and beef have really good iron in them. And now things like a tofu and pumpkin seeds, spinach, they have good iron too. Dark chocolate does as well. Maybe that's why a lot of you ladies crave chocolate when you’re on your period. Maybe just transition over to dark chocolate, just a thought. Eating the proper foods is clutch. Once again, pumpkin seeds, spinach, tofu, dark chocolate, eggs, turkey, beef and chicken of course.

That's a good way to make sure that you're loaded with iron, then you can go to the gym and throw some iron around as well. I’m going to keep working on my cardio ladies. I want you all to have bigger butts, but I need mine smaller. Alright, I’ll drop another blog soon.

If you haven’t trained with us before and you’re interested in cutting some body fat and getting toned muscles, fill out this questionnaire and we’ll get back with you ASAP.