February 2020- McCohn Muscle Client of the Month


Now that February is past us, we are going to acknowledge someone who has been doing great things in and out of the gym. Mike Benoit has been training with us since December 2017. He always had a strong work ethic, but was not always dialed in on every aspect of his training. Many people have the same challenges, like showing up to the workouts but not following the eating regimen. We adjusted Mike’s meal plan periodically and he’d see results but they were just for a short period of time. A few months ago, he dialed it all in. He did five days of detox eating, and followed it up with a “nitrogen balanced meal plan.” His waist leaned out a couple of inches, his upper body got more defined and he lost about 8lbs and 4% body fat. Check out his story below:

Before I started working out with you I had a photo shoot to do. As I’m getting dressed I noticed that my suit is fitting tight and I mean TIGHT tight! At first I didn’t think it was a big deal as I thought I’d maybe outgrown that one suit until I tried all my other ones on and they all were fitting the same. This was a huge problem because I didn’t have time to get a new one and I just assumed my suits would fit like they always had. I ended up grabbing the biggest jacket I had and went to the shoot. I was embarrassed because I couldn’t even button my jacket without it looking too small for me. I had no idea how big I had gotten until that day and that’s when I said enough is enough. It’s time for a change!

What’s funny is that if you would’ve asked me back then I probably would’ve told you I was an active person. I mostly played basketball and would lift weights maybe 2 days a week under my own guidance. I’m not a personal trainer so the workouts were pretty much the same every single time so I wasn’t getting anywhere plus my nutrition was pretty bad looking back even though I didn’t know it. 

Getting in shape feels like it’s been a marathon for me. Sometimes I see someone’s transformation within a year and wonder what the hell is wrong with me?! Is my body THAT different than everyone else’s?! Regardless I wasn’t going to give up on being able to experience the same transformation these people had because if I know one thing it’s that God is no respecter of persons and what He’ll do for one He’ll do for you as well. 

After joining McCohn Muscle I’ve learned that there’s a lot more that goes into your fitness than I ever could have imagined. What you put into your body from the way you hydrate it, to the foods you eat, to the sleep you get, to the herbs & supplements you take all play a major major role. Not only that the specialized knowledge and workout routines you get from a personal trainer is priceless and maybe more than anything (when you’re working with the right one) the accountability you receive from them is life changing. 


The discipline I’ve gained from the gym has trickled over into many other areas of my life allowing me to improve my performance in my business, finances, relationships with family and friends, and even my faith. I know that this is truly only the beginning and I look forward to applying this new lifestyle for a lifetime to come!