Positive Affirmations

Positive energy is attracting. Do you know anyone that likes to be around a negative, cynical person? We don’t. When you are around a negative person that is all about feeling sorry for themselves, and cynical in all aspects of life it kills the good vibes. There is a nickname for these people, “Debbie Downers.” They usually speak with negative words and ideas.

These people are constantly in a vortex of misery that they cannot break out of. It is very easy to get caught up in their aura of negativity if you are not careful. A good defense to have against the negative energy out here is to develop feedback loop patterns in the brain that shift your thought patterns from bad to good in a matter of seconds.

Positive affirmations can be said throughout the day to reinforce good thoughts to keep yourself from falling into a negative mindset.

If you say something over and over long enough it will stick inside your subconscious and it will become you. When you are negative and think the thought, “I can’t do this,” you automatically have developed with your subconscious a negative idea that may never allow you to complete your task. This is why we don’t allow McCohn Muscle members to say things like the following during their sessions, “I can’t. My body is weak. I can’t do push ups. I don’t have any upper body strength.” We hear these all the time.

Strength comes from determination and confidence. You must convince yourself that you can do it and your body will respond. Positive affirmations are repetitive words or phrases that we say to ourselves over and over. After saying positive affirmations several times, your body begins to get redirected into a more excited state and you perform without hesitation or negative thoughts.

Here are some examples of positive affirmations used to overcome negative feelings:

I love to exercise > I hate exercising

I am getting stronger > I am weak

I love the benefits exercise brings > Exercise is boring

I love training, and I love the way I look > I am too fat or I am too skinny

Every time I train I get results > I am not seeing results

I am worthy of having great things > I don’t deserve it

I will be energized after I workout > I am too tired to workout

Writing my goals down gets me one step closer > I don’t write down goals

I enjoy the challenge of training hard > Training is too tough for me to handle

I am an important part of society > I am a nobody

Think positive!