How Many Meals Should I Eat Per Day? Eating 1-2x Day vs Eating 3-5x Day

Let’s talk about food….let’s discuss some nutrition up in here.

Some of you like intermittent fasting, and I want to explain real quick on why this may be good for you. One reason people have been seeing great results with eating 1-2 meals per day is because their body does not have to process as much food. The digestive system is not constantly working, breaking down food, filtering out the poison. Your digestive system may have to go to work a couple of times a day and this means less blood to the stomach and more for your brain, muscles, and spine.

One of the biggest threats to our health today is toxins in our food. The glyphosates sprayed on your crops and soil, the soy that runs rampant in ingredients of most processed foods, the GMO grains, rice, and cereal. The silica in our supplements that cause all types of mutations to our genetic code, DNA, digestive system, respiratory system, etc. They less we consume the toxins, the less of it our body has to break down or filter out. This may lead to cleaner blood, a stronger heart, a stronger spine, less inflammation, and better brain function.

Eating 3-5 times per day, even if it’s healthy foods like: eggs, egg whites, sweet potatoes, chicken, salads, and beef, will tax your digestive system. Your body will look and feel strong but your organs may be fatigued. So for better health, consider eating less meals. Most of us overeat anyway which leads to those lethargic feelings and bloating in the body. This will just be exacerbating by drug use, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and processed foods. Our liver has enough filtering and processing to do. Perhaps many of us should honor that and give our organs a rest by becoming more food disciplined.

By all means avoid: GMO foods, glyphosate, silica, and soy.
